In cooperation with its partners, Scientica ltd. has built and operates bioterapeutical laboratory in Bratislava, biotherapeutical laboratory in Nairobi, laboratory for production of tsetse sterile males in Bratislava and a laboratory for research of new technologies for biological control of forest pests.
Further informations
Biotherapy in Bratislava
Biotherapeutical laboratory is located at St. Michael’s Hospital complex in Bratislava. It was established through a project of ...
Biotherapy in Nairobi
In 2011, Scientica ltd. built a laboratory for production of therapeutic bioagens and their research at Kenya Agriculture ...
Production of tse-tse sterile males
This laboratory is located on the campus of Slovak Academy of Sciences and initially was built by the Institute of Zoology SAS ...
Control of forest pests
Laboratory for the development of methods for biological control of forest pests is located at the TANAP State Forests Research ...